Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mind over matter does in fact....matter.

Snow fell tonight as fast as the temperature but I really felt that I needed to pound pavement anyway and tweak out a few miles. Being a very novus runner, I'm constantly thinking about breathing technique, what hurts, what doesn't hurt, how far I have to go and how far I have come. I can't wait until all I focus on is the finish line - see me in a couple of months! No joke, intertwined within all of these thoughts were moments when all that I could hear while I was running were the lyrics from "Pants on the Ground"? Of all of the songs on my iPod and that's the one that kept ringing in my head. I promise, never again. I'm so ashamed.

Question: have you ever been so busy with things, with life, that you don't afford yourself even a minute to just sit quietly and realize how it all fits together? I think running over the next few months will give me a great opportunity to ask myself a ton of different questions mid-stride and actually be forced to take time and come face to face with the answers.

I think so many of us, especially myself, keep busy with so many different things because we don't ever want to be still; silent even. I admit, some of the most challenging times aren't when I'm doing something, but rather, not doing anything at all. You know I say this as I type on my laptop, have my tivo paused and ready to go, and position my Blackberry conveniently on my chest. BUT, all in a room filled with nothing but silence...surely that has to count for something, right? Do as I say, not as I do - what's wrong with me :-)?

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