Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sometimes Pleasure is wrapped in Pain

The more and more I run, and ache for that matter, the more I understand how sometimes pleasure can in fact be wrapped up in multiple layers of pain. I'm not sure if being an athlete in any sport requires one to be masochistic and revel in pain, but for all of those who love to hurt throughout the journey toward achievement, they definitely have a leg up on their competition.

Every time I personally reach a point of pain or distress, I find myself immediately reaching into the catalog of my thoughts and pulling out stories and images of people who I've personally been touched by and who always seem to breath life into a tough situation. I get so wrapped up in thinking about them or their role within my life that I blow through whatever wall had originally been in front of me. There always seems to be a wall around the corner so I'm trying hard each day to build up my bank of thoughts by surrounding myself with great people and the tremendous stories of the lives they lead.

Above, I've included a picture of my new best friend. Landice, I like to call her, because um, that's what is written on her 1970's barely lit LED keypad. Because I'm amidst a move and leaving this area in a month, I didn't want to join a gym and pay huge start and cancel fees just for a month of tread time. So, I looked up the local gym, just a short 5 minute drive, asked them if I could pay for a monthly membership with no fringe fees and they agreed. Now, I will say that for anyone who saw the movie "Dodge Ball" and remember Joe's Gym, owned by Vince Vaughn's character in the movie, they would wonder if the movie wasn't shot in the musty rooms and dim-lit halls of one Source Fitness in Ambridge, PA. Although it lacks style, cutting edge equipment, a swanky place to shower and change and pretty much anything else desired in a gym of choice, it is PERFECT for what I need it for and actually is better for me than any Bally's or 24-Hour Fitness. And if Source Fitness ever gets itself together and joins a dodgeball league, I'll definitely be betting on this unusual crew of vein poppers.

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